Thursday, August 28, 2008

What is IDA

IDA is a new network marketing company that is currently in pre-prelaunch. ;)

We are a company whose purpose is saving consumers money. We are not going to increase your monthly expenditures. Many people are looking for a network marketing business that has nothing to do with health products. People are so tired of hearing about the lotions and potions and the exotic juices that only grow in the far corners of the amazon...and then only for two months out to the year.....HEY! That's why it costs $50 for 12 ounces silly!

This blog will be used to keep you abreast of the news as we roll out IDA to the country.

Hopefully I'll get the gist of the video thing, I guess it's called web 2.0 huh?? I'll be trying that soon!

Anyway, welcome, I'll be giving some news soon.
